Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where is Bas?

It's always hard to imagine before you write anything down what the topic of your blog will be. Since life can be so random the content of the blog will be random. So how do you define a great blog title which has to sum all this randomness up?

Sitting down behind my desk, watching the sun go down from my apartment on the 6th floor. I came up with the following title: "Where is Bas?", based on the great children book "Where is Waldo?".

I figured a blog is somewhat like that book, you post some pictures, write a little bit of text on what you been up to and get some friends, family or even the random internet strangers to read your blog. These readers are then able to determine what you been up to and where your currently at. Just like the book you may come across some scenery which you dislike or have difficulty understanding, when that happens there is always the possibility to flip the page and hopefully find a scenery which is more to your liking or wait till the 2nd book (post) comes out.

And so the story begins...