This morning professor Yong Yang walked in to the office with a surprise.
He wanted to take us to the new campus of NPU. The drive is around 40 minutes south-west from the old campus. Of course we accepted his invitation and ran back to our dorm to get our cameras. We got in the professors car and 40 minutes later we arrived at the new campus.
Wow! This is really something else. New structures, spacious and the air seems to be much cleaner. Walking around with the Professor and Sillin (A Chinese student that works close with us on the aerodynamic assignments) First thing we noticed is that the New Campus lies at the foot of Mountain Qin. Named after the first emperor of China.
After lunch the professor wanted to take us in to the mountain. Back to the car! 15 minutes later we were in the mountain. The professor seemed to have changed profession because the speed was kept at 70 km/h while the amount of blind turns increased, it was insane! Responsibility did not apply in this case. Luckily we arrived safely apart from one student who got a bit car sick. I'll safe you the details. We arrived on one of the tops, where we stopped and got out to take some pictures before heading back. The view is amazing, I loved it and it is really something I will not soon forget! Fortunate I have this picture to share with you.
We arrived back at campus around six. I thanked my professor for taking us, I was very happy he did.
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